4.Computer Preferences


4.1Computer Preferences

The Computer Preferences are used to enter preferences for Peripherals, Receipt, Gift Receipt, Voucher and Payment Terminals.


Use the peripherals section to specify a cash drawer interface option, choose payment types to open the cash drawer, set up pole display preferences and specify a barcode label printer.

Figure 4-1Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 11.25.24 AM

Cash Drawer Settings

Specify whether a cash drawer is connected by selecting one of the following cash drawer options:

If a USB or Star interface cash drawer is selected, press the "Test Open Drawer" button to test the cash drawer connection.

Figure 4-2Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 11.25.24 AM

Payments to Open the Cash Drawer

In the peripherals window there is a list of payment methods. When a sale is posted using any of the selected payment methods, the cash drawer will open automatically.

Figure 4-3Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 11.44.50 AM

Pole Display Settings

A pole display is a customer display that is used to show item and price information to the customer during the checkout process.

Figure 4-4Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.06.06 PM

For specific Mac and Windows instructions, see www.posim.com/knowledgebase.

Barcode Label Printer Settings

Select the "Label Printer" button to specify which printer will be used to print item and customer labels.

Figure 4-5Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.06.06 PM


To customize receipt settings, go to the POSIM Navigator, select Administration, and then select Computer Preferences. When the computer preferences window opens, select the "Receipt" tab.

Figure 4-6Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.27.43 PM

Choose Receipt Size

At the top of the "Receipt" tab, select one of the following options:

Figure 4-7Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.47.05 PM

If "Print Receipts" is selected, a preview of the receipt will appear in the preview window on the left. When an invoice is posted, a receipt will print from the receipt printer.

Figure 4-8Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.52.55 PM

Select a Receipt Printer

To select a receipt printer, select the "Receipt Printer" button.

Figure 4-9Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.52.55 PM

A window will open with all your available printers. Select the correct printer and select Okay.

Figure 4-10Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 1.59.53 PM

Customize the Receipt

Customize receipt settings and determine what will be printed on the receipt.


Begin by choosing the number of receipt copies to print and entering a minimum voucher amount.


Next, choose the length of time in between printing the voucher and the receipt. This allows the clerk time to tear off the voucher if needed. This is especially helpful when the receipt printer has a tear bar. Choose one of the following options:

Figure 4-11Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 12.52.55 PM

Figure 4-12Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 2.56.51 PM

When a credit card transaction is posted over the minimum amount, the voucher will print. A notification will appear to the clerk to continue with printing the receipt.

Figure 4-13Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 2.49.20 PM

When the clerk presses OK, the receipt will print.


To bypass the print delay window and print the receipt without any delay, set the number of seconds to zero.


The rest of the preferences are check box options that can be checked or un-checked depending on what should be included on the receipt. As changes are made, the preview window on the left will auto refresh and show a sample of what the receipt will look like when printed.

Figure 4-14Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 2.56.51 PM


To add a header or footer image, check the box and then select the ">>" button.

Figure 4-15Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 9.23.23 AM

The recommended image size width is 204 pixels.


A window will open to browse the computer for the image. Select the image and press Okay.

Figure 4-16Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 9.26.26 AM


After the image has been selected, it will appear in the preview window to the left.

Figure 4-17Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 9.23.23 AM


On the receipt preview, there may be a rewards message and image. These preferences are found in General Preferences under the Rewards tab and cannot be changed in this window.

Gift Receipt

A gift receipt is used to provide customers with a receipt that can be given to someone who is receiving the purchased item(s) as a gift. The receipt can be used for exchanges and/or returns.

The gift receipt is different from a regular itemized receipt and does not show the item(s) or price(s) from the original sale. To customize gift receipt settings, go to the POSIM Navigator, select Administration, and then select Computer Preferences. When the computer preferences window opens, select the "Gift Receipt" tab.

Figure 4-18Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 9.50.04 AM


To enable credit card vouchers, go to the POSIM Navigator, select Administration, and then select Computer Preferences. When the computer preferences window opens, select the "Voucher" tab.

Figure 4-19Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 10.07.30 AM

Payment Terminals

The Payment Terminals tab is used in conjunction with PayStream SI. PayStream SI is a semi-integrated credit card processing application which allows users to quickly and easily process credit cards, EMV and NFC (Apple Pay, Google Wallet, etc) payment. See our PayStream SI manual (http://posim.com:1975/paystream_si) for details on setting up payment terminals.

Figure 4-20Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 10.44.54 AM

Save Computer Preferences

To save changes that were made in computer preferences, select the "Save & Close" button in the bottom right corner. The computer preference window will close and the changes will be saved.

Figure 4-21Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 11.17.17 AM

Computer preferences are designed to save the changes to the individual workstation where changes were made. To load computer preferences from one workstation to another see Restore Computer Preferences.

Restore Computer Preferences

Computer preferences is designed to give users the ability to create individual custom settings for each workstation. However, there may be times when multiple workstations need to have the same settings. In cases such as this, computer preferences can be restored from one workstation to another.

Certain settings within computer preferences may be unique and should not be shared (for example, payment terminal information). To prevent the possibility of inadvertently overwriting one section of computer preferences with another, the restore function will only restore preferences one section at a time.

The following example demonstrates how to load saved "Receipt" preferences from one workstation (computer A) to another (computer B). Note: Computer A's preferences were previously customized and saved.


On computer B, open the "Receipt" section of Computer Preferences.

Figure 4-22Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 12.12.09 PM


Select the "Restore From..." button located at the bottom of the computer preferences window.

Figure 4-23Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 12.12.09 PM


Click on the dropdown menu and choose a workstation to restore the preferences from.

Figure 4-24Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 12.30.07 PM


Click Ok.

Figure 4-25Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 12.30.07 PM


The receipt preferences from computer A will load into the preference window of computer B.

Figure 4-26Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 1.30.53 PM


Click the "Save & Close" button to save the preferences that were restored from computer A as the new preferences for computer B.

Figure 4-27Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 1.30.53 PM

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