


There are many useful reasons for Transfers. One main purpose is for businesses with multiple stores that may be moving items from one store to another. Transfers can also be used for making trackable inventory adjustments, as well as tracking any item assembly. The Open Transfer Card is where you will enter all the information about the item being transferred and the Closed Transfer Card will be the record of all transfers made.

Open Transfers

The Open Transfer Card is where you will enter all the information regarding the items being transferred in or out of your database. To open an Open Transfer, go to the Navigator, open Inventory, Transfers, and select Open Transfer.

Figure 4-1Transfer 1

Creating a New Transfer

There are two ways to create a new Transfer card. You can select the Add button located at the top of the screen, or select the Add button located in the Tool Bar.

Figure 4-2Transfer 2

Transfer Information

The Transfer Information panel is where all the important information regarding the transfer will be entered.

Reference Number

The Reference Number is any number that you create that will be tied to the transfer. This number can be an internal number such as an Invoice ID or you can create a numbering system of your own.

The field is alphanumeric and can hold up to 40 characters.

Figure 4-3Transfer 3

Request Date

The Request Date is the date that the Transfer Card is created. The date will automatically be entered as the present date.

This date can be edited by either manually entering the correct date, or selecting the down arrow in the field and selecting the date from the calendar.

Figure 4-4Transfer 4

Ship Date

The shipped date reflects the date that the items will be shipped. You can enter the date manually or you can select the down arrow in the field and select the date in the calendar.

Receive Date

The receive date reflects the date the items will be received. You can enter the date manually or you can select the down arrow in the field and select the date in the calendar.

These fields are for businesses with multiple stores that may be transferring items from one store to another.

Figure 4-5Transfer 5


The clerk field will reflect the clerk that created the transfer. The clerk field will automatically be filled out with the clerk that is logged in to the system.

Figure 4-6Transfer 6

Shipped By and From

The Shipped By field is used to enter the person responsible for doing the shipping. The Shipped From field is the location that is shipping the transferred items.

These fields are for businesses with multiple stores that may be transferring items from one store to another.

Received By and To

The Received By field is used to enter the name of the person responsible for receiving the items. The Received To field is the location that is receiving the transferred items.


The Comments field is used to enter any comments about the transfer. Any information entered here will be printed on the transfer document.

Figure 4-7Transfer 7

Entering Items to Transfer

Entering items into the transfer table is made easy by giving you the ability to enter the items by hand, or by using a lookup to find the items.

Entering Items by Hand/Scanner


Enter the item SKU into the SKU field and select Enter.

Figure 4-8Transfer 8


The item will be entered in the table. You can then enter the reason code for the transfer, and the quantity.

Figure 4-9Transfer 9


If the item is going out of your inventory, the quantity will be negative. If the item is coming in to your store, the quantity will be positive.

Figure 4-10Transfer 10


Continue entering items until the transfer is complete.


When you have finished, you can post the transfer.

Using the Lookup

If you do not know the item SKU, or you want to enter multiple items at one time, you can use the item lookup.


Select the Lookup Items button located above the table.

Figure 4-11Transfer 11


A search box will open. Find the items you need to enter in the transfer table.

Figure 4-12Transfer 12


Select the reason code and enter the quantities for the newly entered items.

Figure 4-13Transfer 13


When you have finished, you can post the transfer.

Printing Labels

From the Open Transfer Card, you are able to print labels and print the transfer document.

Printing Labels

Printing labels from the Open Transfer Card will allow you to print the labels for the new incoming items. There may be some circumstances when you may need to print labels for outgoing items. You will have the option to print only incoming items, or both incoming and outgoing items.


Select the Print Labels Button.

Figure 4-14Transfer 14


The Print Label Queue will open and the print quantity will match the entered quantity on the transfer card. If the items are outgoing items, the print quantity will be one.

Figure 4-15Transfer 15


If all the information is correct in the print queue, select the Release All Labels to Printer button.


This will release the labels to the printer and they will print.

Posting a Transfer

Once the Transfer is Complete, select the Post button near the bottom of the screen.

Figure 4-16Transfer 16

The document will be posted to a Closed Transfer Card.

Closed Transfers

Closed Transfers are a record of any Open Transfers posted. It looks the same as an Open Transfer, but it cannot be edited. Closed Transfers do not always come from a posted Open Transfer. There are other functions in the system that will result in creating a Closed Transfer.

Types of Closed Transfers

1. Posted Open Transfers

2. Physical Inventory Adjustments

3. Kit Assembly

4. Item Card Adjustments

Posted Open Transfers

Closed Transfers that result from posted Open Transfers will look the exact same as an Open Transfer.

Figure 4-17Transfer 17

Making Adjustments in Physical Inventory

When completing Physical Inventory, if you have made any adjustments or update to your inventory, it will result in a Closed Transfer. You will know it came from Physical Inventory because the word, Physical Inventory will be in the Clerk field.

Figure 4-18Transfer 18

Item Assembly

Any time you use the Open Builder to create an assembly of items, a Closed Transfer will be created. You will know it came from Assembler because the word, ItemAssembler will be in the Clerk field.

Figure 4-19Transfer 19

Item Card Adjustments

Anytime you use the Adjustment button located on the Item Card, a Closed Transfer will be created. You will know it came from the Item Card because the words, Item Card Adjust, will be in the Shipped By and Received By fields.

Figure 4-20Transfer 20

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